Our approximately 20,700 talented colleagues serve millions of customers every day in one of the world’s most connected regions. With a strong connectivity base, we’re the hub in the digital ecosystem, empowering people, companies and societies to stay in touch with everything that matters 24/7/365 – on their terms. Headquartered in Stockholm, and situated from Norway to Turkey, we are present in, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Sweden, Turkey and Uzbekistan. We’re set to change the industry and bring the world even closer for our customers.
In SD-WAN, Telia is a leader, not a follower. Our commercial Telia SD-WAN -service has been internationally available from March 2017, and even before that we had commercial pilots running on Telia SD-WAN service for over a year. Our service is about providing flexibility and ability to adapt. We like to simplify complex things for our customers and are proud in providing a service that can scale to any customer size and need.