Spreading the word – sharing your page with the world

Got your page all nice and fancy, time to spread the word.

How to share my company page with the world?

Sharing your company page on the SDnet Index with your social networks followers is easy. At the bottom of your company’s page you will see round icons of Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

Clicking on one of these icons will open a small window with a predefined message telling the world about your page. We recommend adding something personal to this message.

Sharing is done on behalf of your account on that social network so your followers will see it. Make sure to encourage them to spread the word through doing a Like or Retweet to your message.

When should I share my company page?

Once you got the information you wanted on that page it is time to share it for the first time. Since it is recommended to keep your company page current with new things it will be beneficial to share the page again once you updated it with important information, this will be another good way to tell the world about these updates.